Monday, May 16, 2011

Am I Good Enough??

Why do women secretly ask themselves this question daily? Am I good enough to be relevant to him? Am i good enough to get that promotion? Am I good enough to make it into that "in crowd".

When we will ever be good enough? When will we holistically love ourselves? Even the strongest of us has had to ask ourselves: Am I good Enough?

I recently went to the movies to see one of those "black fantasy movies where there is a gorgeous guy, a beautiful girl, a married older couple", and they are getting married. There are so many single women out here, that I sat in the movie theater and I swear I could read minds.

The first question is, "Why can't I meet some great guy that happens to be fine as hell and he be willing to think I am good enough to put a three carat rock on my finger?" So what do we do?

We go out and get long ass hair weaves, fake eyelashes, put on pounds of makeup daily and squeeze into what we think is the outfit that will catch him. Longing for that relationship where you have a mutual respect for each other to endure the trials of the future and the decisions of the past, may come quicker than you want it too. I had a conversation with a woman the other day who said that it took seven years for her to find her third husband. She prayed and prayed and prayed and finally instead of waiting for God, she went out and found her perfect soulmate. (She thought!!!) What happened was, he ended up destroying her credit, breeding children outside of the relationship and was actually married to someone else in another country.

I pray for my friends to have great relationships daily. I want women who deserve it to have the fulfilling relationships of their dreams. Now who deserves it. Is it everyone? Hell No? It is for those true believers, those who put the time and effort into that relationship. Those who are willing to sacrifice in the name of love.It is not for those that think that a man should come in and do absolutely everything and you do nothing in return. You feel because you are pretty and look good on his arm, you should have that fairytale.

Now the reality is that there are a lot of woman out there who are into this mantra. I know of a woman who lost a good husband, broke up her home and destroyed their credit, all because she was not willing to play her part when the times got hard. Now, she lives in two bedroom apartment, claims unemployment and does whatever she has to just to, to get by. Now I think her statement is "I am to good"!!!

I am not passing judgment on those who "Got it like that". I am just saying. It is give and take. I am tired of looking at all of these unsuccessful relationships because both parties don't play their part. Am I a relationship Guru? No!! But I am a great observationist. I listen to my surroundings all the time. I hear the stuff that women say and alot of it is similar.

I believe that before we start wondering if we are good enough for him, we need to make sure that we are good enough for ourselves. Don't place all of the responsibility on him and his excepting terms. Are you good enough using your own standards?

Sasha Lior
The Sasha Chronicles
"Coming Soon"