Friday, January 28, 2011

La La Land

So I just had a thought. If we couldn't escape the reality of our lives either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, than what would be the point. If I couldn't dream about my perfect universe then why dream. My dream universe would mean me getting up everyday, taking a long walk on the beach before my kids get up, coming back home to my beach house and making breakfast for my family, sending everyone off for their day, sitting with my freshly delivered Starbucks caramel and french vanilla mocha and a croissant (or chocolate donut, one that disappears and never lodges itself to your thighs), opening my laptop and writing something brillant everyday.

I could be writing articles, reviews, business plans, marketing plans, proposals, blogging, tweeting (my obsession) or working on my next book. Contrary to popular belief, I have a lot going on up there. At any given time, I may have a tv episode, mini movie, lifetime story or an actual movie playing in their.

My secret passion an obsession is writing and fashion.

So, my modern day La La Land is that I won't settle. I won't settle for just mediocre. I want it all. I want the husband, the beach house, the kids, the business and the author ending. I work hard daily. I work at achieving La La Land everyday.

My ex's father and my son's grandfather said to my brother recently that the reason his son and I didn't work out was because I wanted the glamorous life and that I was living in La La Land. Well my response to La La Land is that I want to be treated like I am the only thing that matters in the world to him. I want him to work as hard as I do about whatever his passion is.

I have already mentioned my perfect universe so all he needs to do is incorporate and fall into plan. I didn't say I wanted someone rich to just pay for my life. (I mean that would be great) But, do I want to eat out three to four times a week? Yes! Do I want five vacations a year? Yes! Do I want to live my life to the fullest while being in love? Yes!

Yes!Yes!Yes! I want La La Land and I won't stop until I get it. You shouldn't either!!!

The Sasha Chronicles

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where is my MR. BIG?

Who isn't secretly obsessed or pretending that they are carrie or one of the other ladies in the Sex and the City series. If we start from the beginning, we follow the relationship with big. Did it leave you looking back on your past relationships. Every woman or at least every woman I know has had a Mr. Big in their lives. Now, it may seem that this is unreal, but it is true. We may not have the Mr. Big who lives in New York City, has a great job in investments, wear Prada, Gucci and Dolce and Gabbana suits, has his own driver and has that naughty but sneaky but still a fabulous great smile. If only life could be that grand.

Let me take you to my Mr. Big. My Mr. Big was from New York. We fell in love at college. It was that crazy, addictive, "I can't believe that I did that shit" love. It was obssessive, compulsive, I need to have it every day love. That, when we were mad everyone else knew because it's not just our worlds that were colliding, everyone else we know could feel the magnitude of the collison. Friends would come to me in class and say, "please come and talk to him because he is not right." He won't eat, talk or go to class. He parents would call me to try and work it out.

There were days when I couldn't get out of bed if we werent talking. Remember the episode of Sex and the City when Carrie and the girls went to a ball game, she had just broken up with Big and she was out of it. The look on her face was priceless. I remember that look. I have had that look on my face several times.

Does this all sound to familiar.....

You know the guy that comes and goes back and forth in your life. It's not like you sit and wait for him to come back and forth, but for some reason that doors just stays open and he comes back and forth anyway. You wonder to yourself and say out loud to your girlfriends, I am a great, smart, funny, attractive, hard working and a very self sufficient person. Why can't he commit, why won't he marry me? Why can't he get it together? You allow him to come back and forth because deep inside you think, wish and pray that one day he will blink and realize that you are that great, smart, funny, attractive, hard working and a self sufficient person that he needs to be with.

You allow your Mr. Big to exist because the sex is amazing, or amazing enough that you think about so often that you can't wait to see him again. You allow him to exist because you love the way he always smells and the way he dresses and the way he smiles. You allow him to exist because he makes you laugh, he makes your curse, he makes your crazy, he gives you that orgasm every single time and you allow him to stay because he makes you feel complete.

On to the new Mr. Big or the Mr. Big right now....

Now, what I want and what every woman wants is the Mr. Big that carrie had in Season Six, part II. The Mr. Big that saves the day on the last episode and tells Carrie that she is the one. Am I asking for two much? All I want, 6'4", handsome physique, good in bed, knows how to cook, knows how to massage my feet, brings me flowers and treats me like he loves me. When he looks into my eyes I know without question that I am the most important thing in his life. Now, if a driver comes with it and a nice new york apartment than I am all for it.

Some person reading this chronicle entry is laughing out loud at the sheer thought of really wanting to be rescued by their ideal Mr. Big. Some women who have already found them are laughing at the few of us that are left in singletown still waiting and believe that this is not the way that we should expect to get them. Some women are thinking to themselves, these girls need to get their heads out of the clouds because it will never happen.

Well to all these lovely woman, I have to say that if I can keep a house, cook a mean meal, perform some great tasks where we lay and bring home a great addition to the bottom line, then yes I want it all. And, I will not remove myself from LaLa Land up in the clouds to please any of you. We want our Mr. Big and I will not stop until he rescues me.

Until next time.......

The Sasha Chronicles

I know some people have criticisms about my language, the fact that some words are missing or that this post cannot be reproduced for the new york times. Let me just say that I appreciate your comments and suggestions and I hope you continue to read these shorts with me. Enjoy the ride!!!