Friday, January 28, 2011

La La Land

So I just had a thought. If we couldn't escape the reality of our lives either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, than what would be the point. If I couldn't dream about my perfect universe then why dream. My dream universe would mean me getting up everyday, taking a long walk on the beach before my kids get up, coming back home to my beach house and making breakfast for my family, sending everyone off for their day, sitting with my freshly delivered Starbucks caramel and french vanilla mocha and a croissant (or chocolate donut, one that disappears and never lodges itself to your thighs), opening my laptop and writing something brillant everyday.

I could be writing articles, reviews, business plans, marketing plans, proposals, blogging, tweeting (my obsession) or working on my next book. Contrary to popular belief, I have a lot going on up there. At any given time, I may have a tv episode, mini movie, lifetime story or an actual movie playing in their.

My secret passion an obsession is writing and fashion.

So, my modern day La La Land is that I won't settle. I won't settle for just mediocre. I want it all. I want the husband, the beach house, the kids, the business and the author ending. I work hard daily. I work at achieving La La Land everyday.

My ex's father and my son's grandfather said to my brother recently that the reason his son and I didn't work out was because I wanted the glamorous life and that I was living in La La Land. Well my response to La La Land is that I want to be treated like I am the only thing that matters in the world to him. I want him to work as hard as I do about whatever his passion is.

I have already mentioned my perfect universe so all he needs to do is incorporate and fall into plan. I didn't say I wanted someone rich to just pay for my life. (I mean that would be great) But, do I want to eat out three to four times a week? Yes! Do I want five vacations a year? Yes! Do I want to live my life to the fullest while being in love? Yes!

Yes!Yes!Yes! I want La La Land and I won't stop until I get it. You shouldn't either!!!

The Sasha Chronicles

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