Thursday, February 24, 2011

What are you waiting for?

I have been having conversations with my friends lately, and I realize that all of us are randomly waiting for something. Why? Why are woman always waiting for something. Are we waiting for the right time to wear that special outfit or pair of shoes? Are we waiting for the right time to make a move on our jobs? Are we waiting for the right time to speak to someone about a particular topic at a particular time? We are waiting for those shoes or that purse to go on sale? We are waiting until next payday to pay that bill. We will wait until our car is getting ready to cut off before we go into the gas station.

So here it is!!!

The big wait!!!

We are waiting for our Mr. Right. Some of us are waiting until our Mr. Right pops that right question!!!

In the history of time, I feel like there are certain disadvantages of being a woman. We are always contemplating, negotiating and surrendering to certain things. Now we are adding another ing to our burden. Waiting!!!! Well hell, I am tired of waiting. Is it to much for me to tell you what I expect when we meet, that way we can get everything out in the open at once? Will you feel overwhelmed? Will you play me off because you don't like my directness? Should I wait?

Should I wait until I feel that you are comfortable enough to really be myself? Can you take my loudness? Can you take my honesty? Can you take the fact that I know exactly what I want to accomplish?

Should I wait?

Should I wait to tell you how I feel about you until you tell me first? I could fucking scream with all this damn waiting. (I want it all and I want it now!!!!)

So this my message to whomever it concerns:
 To whom it may concern, my name is Sasha Lior. I am a Leo, I am a writer, blogger, entertainer and all around fun girl. I want to be understood by those around me. I want to add value to every relationship that I encounter. I want to be relevant. I want to be heard, loved, feared, admired and adored. I want my friends to bring me gifts on my birthday, I want flowers just because and I want vacations because you know that it is necessary.

I want to be your one and only. I want to be the first person you see in the morning and the last person you kiss at night. I want to be in love with you until the end of time. I want you to want me everyday. I want you to rub my feet because you can tell I had a long day. I want you to understand that I am a strong, independent and determined woman and that I will let you lead. I don't want you to judge me, I want you to love me for who I am and I will return the favor.

I want my three, four or five carats that you can place gently on my left hand, fourth finger and not because I am demanding it, but because I am worth it. I want you to know that I will not wait 14 years to get it. I want to walk down that aisle and meet you at the end. I want to dance the night away with you and live happily until we can't get along anymore.

So as I sit here and write this, I want to take a stand against waiting. Ironically enough, I am waiting for my coffee as I am writing this!!!!

Sasha Lior

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