Friday, March 25, 2011

The Decisions She Made!!

How is it that in the beginning of a relationship a woman believes that she has met her solemate or someone that she can stand still with for as long as it exists, and then the next minute realize that she should have made a better choice. How many of us do this? Day in and day out I hear stories about making better choices.

I read an astrology book that said that people born on my day have a problems with letting the past be the past and remembering to look forward and accept your previous choices. I had to think about that for a moment. As I sat on the train the other day and ear hustled another great conversation between two friends, I realize that it is okay to live with the fact that I made certain decisions.

Now what??

Now it's time to make better decision. The old saying is "Patience is a Virtue"!!! I think that if we were to sit still longer and just be still, making a better choice might be clearer. In the course of a day I know that I have at least 1000 different thoughts. I think about stories, vacations, shoes, clothing, gossip and what is on my list for the day. And, those are just off the top of my mind currently. When do you have a moment to clear your mind and decide that this is the right decision for you?

The Right Decision

So, you made a decision that this is Mr. Right based off the fact that he is a good person. He smells good all the time. He can do the damn thing in the bedroom. He hangs around with the right crowd. He is very complimentary. He seems to have the right relationship with his family. Who wouldn't want this man?

And then you get deeper into the relationship and realize that there is more than meets the eye. The first thing is that you haven't actually seen him interact with his family. All you do is hear phone conversations and you listen to him explain all these situations about how he has to do everything for the family or else it would fade. He looks like the hero which makes for reason to get even deeper. Time passes and because you are a woman who has her own things going on, you realize that you and he only spend time together in certain places and certain times. (Your internal flag goes up but you still continue)

Months go by and then one day you decide that you want a more serious situation. You want the relationship to elevate to the next level. You want to be more involved in his life and then that moment of truth happens. He starts to respond in the opposite manner in which you thought he would. He starts to think of you as being clingy and to dependent. Then he hits that absolute no no and tells you that "you are starting to act regular" like all the other girls.

So what is your response. You go over and over your actions to figure out if you made the right move. Did you push to far? Are you really that girl?

Every woman has to make a decision as to whether or not he was her Mr. Right. And most likely in one lifetime, there are three Mr. Wrongs for every Mr. Right. Or who we think is going to be Mr. Right. So for now ladies let's not beat ourselves up for the decisions that we make or our friends make. Matters of the heart is no easy burden.

For those of you who have found their Mr. Right and have made that decision, congratulations. For those women who are still searching and have that decision to make, keep pushing forward and trust your instincts.

Special Thanks to all the women who allow me to ear hustle their conversations.

Sasha Lior

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